Much More Than Blood

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Erotic Romance , Paranormal , Vampire


Ancient Blood - Much More Than Blood By Kate Hill

Part of the Ancient Blood series

For years Rosa Ferrer has indulged her every whim, no matter how violent or debauched. What's a spoiled vampiress to do when she's run out of fun? Seek an unsuspecting mortal and create the perfect mate for herself.

Royal Marine Commando Alik Lennox faces his ultimate test of courage against an enemy for which there is no defense. He cannot escape his fate, or can he? In a Scottish pub he meets a beautiful woman with whom he expects to have a one-night stand, a farewell gift to himself. Instead, he finds the impossible. . .

Prey For Me By Claudia Rose

What would you do if you found a handsome vampire in your basement?

Burnt out from solving one violent crime too many, Detective Jessica Croft welcomes the chance to take a break from her job and throw her energy into renovating an old mansion inherited from her Aunt Rose. But Jess's life takes a bizarre turn for the worse when she knocks down a false wall in the basement of her new home and discovers Prey—an enigmatic vampire with a death wish—interred within.

Prey's unintentional liberation attracts demon vampires like bees to a honeypot. Caught in the middle, Jess becomes a reluctant pawn in their sadistic games. Hounded at every step and desperate to survive, she turns to Prey for help. Together they discover a union more intense and intimate than either could have imagined. But can they accept the terrible price they will ultimately have to pay to be together?

Related Titles

Darkness Therein (reissue), The Blood Doctor, Immaculate (reissue), Infernal (reissue), God of the Grim (reissue), The Holiday Stalking, In Black, Cryptic Trysts, Revenge of the Court Jester

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[ Ellora's Cave]