No Wings On A Cop

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1953 US Edition
By Cleve F. Adams
Publisher Harlequin Romance #256
Release Month 1953 (US)
Harlequin Romance Series #
Preceded by Lady - Here's Your Wreath
Followed by One Man Front

Book Description

When Lieutenant John J. Shannon saw his old friend Captain Grady on a marble slab in the morgue, hw knew it wasn't suicide and dishonesty that had put him there. 'They framed me', Grady's dead eyes ceemed to say. and Shannon believed it. But no one else did. Acting Chief O'Meara called the case closed and ordered Shannon to leave it alone. Nick Lombardi, racketeer and political power, suggested that for his own good, Shannon should be 'smart'. And lovely Frances McGowan pleaded with him to quit because she loved his Irish hide. Black Irishman that he was, Shannan was too mad and stubborn to quit and nearly paid with his life. Just when his luck appeared to run out, he met gorgeous Karen Kane, who gave him a new stake in the game. Then he had a surprise encounter with Chief Regan; and when he ran into a gun battle at the airport all the pieces of the whole crazy puzzle fell into place.

Cover Variation (By Release Date)

1953 <br\>US Edition