South From Sounion

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1968 UK Edition
By Anne Weale
Publisher Harlequin Romance #1224
  Mills & Boon Romance #268
Release Month Jul 1968 (US)
  Apr 1968 (UK)
Harlequin Romance Series #
Preceded by The Garden Of Persephone
Followed by Nurse Camden's Cavalier
Mills & Boon Romance Series #
Preceded by Beloved Castaway
Followed by A Place Called Paradise

Book Description

Lucia's young flighty sister Cathy had always been a woory to her - but she felt she was right to be concerned when Cathy produced yet another in her long string of admirers, this time in the person of Nicholas Curzon,years older than herself, worldly and sophisticated, and obviously expecting every woman he met to fal straight into his arms! Lucia could not make herself like or trust him, even when he asked her to accompany himself and Cathy on their forthcoming holiday to Greece. But as her distrust of Nicholas increased, so, alas! did her reluctant attraction to him. Lucia could not bear the thought of being just another scalp on his belt, but how could she stop herself? - and anyway, what about Cathy...?

Publication History

Cover Variation (By Release Date)

Apr 1968 <br\>UK Edition
Jul 1968 <br\>US Edition
Jun 1976 <br\>UK Edition