Desert Rose Chapter (RWA)

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The Desert Rose Chapter of the Romance Writers of America (RWA), with about 120 members".1, serves the Phoeniz, Arizona area. The chapter hosts the annual regional RWA conference Desert Dreams.

Awards and Contests

Golden Quill Contest for Published Authors

The Golden Quill Awards are awarded annually to the best or favorite works published the previous year. Entrants pay an entrance fee and must be members of the Romance Writers of America. Winners and finalists are announced in the July issue of Romance Writers Report.


Since the rules state that the "Contest Committee reserves the right to add or drop categories, depending on the number of entries received", prizes may not be awarded in each category each year. 2

The following is a list of categories for the Golden Quill: 3

  • Historical
  • Regency
  • Mainstream/Single Title Contemporary
  • Long Contemporary
  • Short Contemporary
  • Traditional Romance
  • Paranormal/Time Travel
  • Fantasy/Science Fiction/Futuristic
  • Inspirational
  • Romantic Suspense
  • Hot, Sexy & Sensuous Romance
  • Erotic Romance
  • Best First Book
  • Romantic Novella


A list of finalists and winners is available at the Chapter's website. [1]

Desert Rose Award

Awarded annually to someone who has been a member of the chapter for a minimum of three years and who "has given above and beyond".4


In reverse chronological order
Pamela Osback, 2005
Jeanne Butler, 2004
Susan Yarina, 2003
Betty Sheets, 2001
Judy Bowden & Nikki Heath, 2000
Linda Style, 1999
Jaclyn Reding, 1998
Jane Coshow, 1997
Laurie Schnebly Campbell, 1996
Cher Menefee, 1995
Connie Flynn, 1994
Kim Richards, 1993
Christine Flynn, 1992
Sharon Wagner, 1991
Margie Crandall-Justus, 1989
Pat Warren, 1988


1 About Us. Desert Rose Chapter. Retrieved on 8 December 2006.
2 Golden Quill: Rules. Desert Rose Chapter. Retrieved on 8 December 2006.
3 Golden Quill: Categories. Desert Rose Chapter. Retrieved on 8 December 2006.
4 About Us: The Desert Rose Award. Desert Rose Chapter. Retrieved on 8 December 2006.

External link