User:Alessia Brio

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Revision as of 12:24, 8 March 2006 by Alessia Brio (talk | contribs)
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Alessia Brio is a sassy tart from Pittsburgh who burst (or tip-toed, depending on who you ask) onto the erotic romance scene in the latter half of 2005 with two e-book publications from Phaze. Until that time, she'd been giving her stuff away on Literotica. Now, she gratefully accepts money for it. (That, she's aware, is the difference between a slut and a whore.)

When she's not writing or researching, Ms. Brio is performing her domestic duties as a work-from-home mom, kicking ass (or kissing it) as a civil rights advocate/activist, or wasting time on the Internet.

Fans, potential fans, and cyber-stalkers can Google for more about this exciting, charismatic, and humble author.