Desert Flame

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Book Description

FIERY TEMPTATION Orphaned in an exotic land far from her native England, Ariel Lennox was raised amid the glittering splendor of Morocco's royal court. But as the ward of the all-powerful sultan, destiny now demanded that she be sold in wedlock... to a man she'd never even met! Determined to "rearrange" her arranged marriage and bribe her betrothed out of accepting her band, the headstrong minx sashayed into the palace ballroom, only to fall—literally—into the arms of a mysterious stranger. Here was her chance to escape her dreaded fate and keep her precious freedom, if only be would help her. Instead, the insolent rake drew her into the shadows of the moonlit garden and claimed her lips in a fiery kiss that would set her very soul aflame...

PASSIONATE SURRENDER It was kismet! When Christopher Staunton, Duke of Avon, gazed into the bewitching amber eyes of the woman fated to be his wife, he knew he had to possess her—at any cost. Never mind that he'd won his fortune and title against impossible odds—or that he'd vowed never to wed for political gain. Here was a beauty worth all the riches in the sultan's kingdom! If only she wasn't so deadset against marrying him. But he'd soon change her mind... with all the sweet passion at his command. And nothing, not danger, betrayal or even threat of high treason could keep the English nobleman from his rapturous destiny with the golden enchantress who'd captured his heart!
