Georgette Heyer

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From "Georgette Heyer was an intensely private person. A best-seller all her life without the aid of publicity, she made no appearances, never gave an interview, and only answered fan letters herself if they made an interesting historical point."

Georgette Heyer, cited as a major influence on romance writers and writers of other genres, including A.S. Byatt, lived from August 16 1902 - July 4 1974. Jane Austen wrote contemporaneous accounts of the Regency era, which ranged from approximately 1795 to 1820, though dates vary based on source; key events in the Regency era include the Napoleonic Wars and the ascension of Prince William IV, later King William IV). Heyer's distance and wit allowed her to create a Regency world that expanded upon the work done by William Makepeace Thackeray in Vanity Fair.

On the Web


Regencies and other historical novels

Regencies und historische Romane: The Black Moth - 1921 The Transformation of Philip Jettan (1923) (reissued without last chapter as Powder und Patch - 1930) The Great Roxhythe - 1923 Simon the Coldheart - 1925 These Old Shades - 1926 The Masqueraders - 1928 Beauvallet - 1929 Powder and Patch - 1930 Devil's Cub - 1932 The Convenient Marriage - 1934 Regency Buck - 1935 The Talisman Ring - 1936 An Infamous Army - 1937 The Corinthian - 1940 Faro's Daughter - 1941 Friday's Child - 1944 The Reluctant Widow - 1946 The Foundling - 1948 Arabella - 1949 The Grand Sophy - 1950 The Quiet Gentleman - 1951 Cotillion - 1953 The Toll-Gate - 1954 Bath Tangle - 1955 Sprig Muslin - 1956 April Lady - 1957 Sylvester: or The Wicked Uncle - 1957 Venetia - 1958 The Unknown Ajax - 1959 A Civil Contract - 1961 The Nonesuch - 1962 False Colours - 1963 Frederica - 1965 Black Sheep - 1966 Cousin Kate - 1968 Charity Girl - 1970 Lady of Quality - 1972


  • Footsteps in the Dark - 1932
  • Why Shoot a Butler? - 1933
  • The Unfinished Clue - 1934
  • Death in the Stocks - 1935
  • Behold, Here's Poison - 1936
  • They Found Him Dead - 1937
  • A Blunt Instrument - 1938
  • No wind of Blame - 1939
  • Envious Casca - 1941
  • Penhallow - 1942
  • Duplicate Death - 1951
  • Detection Unlimited - 1953

Historical Biographies

  • Royal Escape - 1938 (Charles II.)
  • The Conqueror - 1931 (William the Conqueror)
  • The Spanish Bride - 1940 (based on the biography of Sir Harry Smith)
  • My Lord John - 1975 (John, Duke of Bedford, brother of Henry V.)

Other Novels

  • A Proposal to Cicely (in 'The Happy Mag.)' - 1922
  • Instead of the Thorn - 1923
  • Helen - 1928
  • Instead of the Thorn - 1929
  • Pastel - 1929
  • Barren Corn - 1930
  • Pursuit (in The Queens Book of the Red Cross) - 1939
  • Full Moon - 1948