Alicia Rasley

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I am a writer, first and foremost, but I also love to teach writing and write about the craft. I taught for eight years at two Indiana colleges (which mostly taught me that I prefer leading workshops for fiction writers to teaching freshman comp!), and now teach classes on the Web and workshops around the country.

I have a Master's Degree in English from Butler University (Thesis was The Family Vault: Women Buried Alive in EA Poe's Short Stories, and if you're really interested, you're welcome to be the fourth person ever to read it :).

You'll find my writing articles all over the Web. (Yeah, I know, I should be more careful about their distribution, but heck, it's a compliment, right?)

As I said, I'm a writer, and you'd be surprised (and bored) at some of what I've written and edited-- real estate newsletters, software manuals (pays well!), corporate histories, textbooks.

But mostly I'm a fiction writer. My Regency romances have been published by Dell, Signet, and Kensington, and (I do hate to brag, but it's part of the biz) have been nominated for the Romance Writers of America Rita Award (twice, won once), the Romantic Times Best Regency Novel Award (twice), the Colorado Romance Writers Award of Excellence (won that one too), and the Regency Plume Award of Excellence.

Now I'm working on a "mainstream women's fiction", which I think means a book with a strong female protagonist and not too much gore. (There's only one murder-- her ex-husband, and I hasten to add that she didn't do it. I think maybe the much younger and gorgeous but shallow second wife did it-- stay tuned for updates.)

If you're working on a novel or story, you might find my writing booklets helpful. These interactive exercises guide you to explore your characters' motivations and develop your plot.

I also do individual critiquing and group workshops. My fees are reasonable, and my advice aimed at your particular story and vision.

So welcome to my website, and join me in discussing writing popular fiction.

On the Web

  • Official Website [1]
  • Facebook [2]]

See Also


Series/Related Titles

Related Titles

  1. A Royal Escapade
  2. Poetic Justice

