Highland Stallion

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Revision as of 22:34, 30 October 2006 by Kate25 (talk | contribs)
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Erotic Romance , Fantasy , Shape Shifter

[http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1419952005/ref=cm_arms_pdp_dp/002-7387947-4972025 Highland Stallion]


Sophia is madly in love with Zach, the gorgeous Horseman with whom she shares dreams. She is more than ready to plunge into a permanent relationship with him, but Zach has other ideas. A recently freed slave, Zach won't marry Sophia until he can properly support a wife and family. As Zach and Sophia begin to explore their sensual connection, they are stressed by Zach's reluctance to make their relationship more permanent. Zach must overcome his past to make a future with Sophia, but he may not be able to banish his demons.


Related Titles

Dream Stallion Captive Stallion

  • [Link To Publisher]

[http://www.ellorascave.com/productpage.asp?ISBN=1-84360-918-5 Ellora's Cave]

  • [Link To the Horsemen Website]

[http://www.kate-hill.com/horsemen.html Welcome to Hornview]