Who Is Jane Williams?

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About The Book

Years ago, Jane Williams had come to Riddle Investigations in San Francisco hoping to unravel the secret of her past-her true identity. Now...

--See Jane Run--

Jane Williams is running for her life. And when Noah Armstrong pulled the mysterious beauty from the icy night waters beneath the Golden Gate Bridge, he had no idea he was in for the race of his life.

The last thing Jane needed was another man in her life, but try as she might, she couldn't outrun the magnetically sexy Noah--nor was she sure she wanted to.

She did run, though--straight into a thirty-year-old web of lies and deceit that held the key to Jane's true identity...if she could manage to stay one step ahead of the dangers and demons that dogged her...


Part of Harlequin Intrigue's Return To The Scene Of The Crime10th Anniversary Celebration, offering sequels and spinoffs to previous Intrigues. Who Is Jane Williams? is a spinoff of M.J. Rodgers's first Intrigue, #102 For Love Or Money

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