The Mists Of Midnight

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Author: Michelle M Pillow


Imogen Drake is a willful daughter, one who would marry a man of good humor rather than obey her parents and marry a studious Colonel. But marriage is not all her parents have in mind for her. They want her to have a tutor to train her to be a proper lady wife!

When Dougal Weston comes into her life, Imogen assumes he is the man sent to instruct her from her rebellious ways. However, with his arrival at Rothfield Park comes an abundance of unrested spirits—a beautiful young girl whose body turns into a frightfully burnt corpse, a bold knight on a horse whose heart literally bleeds from his chest. Suddenly, Imogen doesn’t know who is alive and who is dead. Why have they come now? And what are they trying frantically to tell her? Imogen must discover the truth about the eerie night mist that surrounds the manor before it comes to claim everyone she holds dear….

Rating: Contains sexual content and some graphic violence.


"Occasionally a romance comes along that has all of the components needed to make it great, and THE MISTS OF MIDNIGHT is just such a book. The characters are multi-layered with very dynamic personalities. The plot is tightly woven, complete with intricate clues as to who the villain is. The romance is unique and truly romantic, as is the ending. From the very first page, readers will be drawn into this remarkable story with its unique characters and excellent story line. There is nothing about this story that this reviewer cannot recommend. The story and the romance between Imogen and Dougal are simply wonderful. If you are seeking a romance of breath-taking purity with a paranormal flavor, be sure not to miss THE MISTS OF MIDNIGHT." Edith Morrison, Romance Reviews Today

"Five Blue Ribbons! In THE MISTS OF MIDNIGHT by Michelle M. Pillow I found a treasure. The plot is exceptional and the characters were wonderful. I found that I couldn't lay the book down and had to read it in one setting. The story grabbed me and kept me turning the pages to find out what was going to happen. Ms. Pillow is an exceptional writer and I will be delighted to read any other book that this author has to offer. I highly recommend it to anyone that loves an exceptional story; it is definitely a keeper." Mariah, Romance Junkies

"Four and 1/2 Stars! Wow!!! What a story! Ms. Pillow has penned a delightful tale, full of chilling twists and turns…. The descriptive prose used throughout drives the story with startling clarity. One will love the beautiful landscape, feel a chill of foreboding when The Mists of Midnight unfurl, and gasp in surprise when secrets are revealed. This debut novel will leave readers begging for more. With this book, a star is born, and if it is any indication, this writer is certainly one to watch. This reviewer has immediately become a fan, and Ms. Pillow is a must-not-miss author. Fortunately, many more books are already waiting in the wings, set to be released later this year." Love Romances

"Five Stars! When Michelle Pillow was writing THE MISTS OF MIDNIGHT, she brought together all the essential elements that would make this book a winner from every aspect. The intriguing plot is so well developed, I can think of nothing that would have made this story better. Her characters are one of a kind, whose emotional reactions are always credible. Ms. Pillow has written the perfect paranormal story set in the historical period of England in 1812. If you want to read a book with a fantastic story line and characters, a believable romance, and where things are not always as they seem, then THE MISTS OF MIDNIGHT is definitely for you." Amelia Richard, eCataRomance Reviews

"Five Hearts! Ms. Pillow offers a sweet, often poignant, sometimes funny story that on the surface is about love, life and death. The reader has two choices when reading this story: he or she may choose just sit back and enjoy a wonderful paranormal romance, or, as this reviewer did, sit and ponder all the possibilities Ms. Pillow raises.... This reviewer read Mists of Midnight twice: once to read and enjoy and once to truly sit and ponder the “what ifs” raised in this emotionally moving yet fun story." Gina, Love Romances

"Five Angels! Wow, wow and wow. This book touches so many emotions. I laughed, I cried, and I wanted to shout at both the hero and the heroine. What more can you ask in a story? Lets not forget the ending; you really don't see this one coming. I don't think my review of this story does this book justice. Her characters are true to life and her plot is amazing. Ms. Pillow did a great job and this book is a necessary read." Fallen Angel Reviews

"Four and 1/2 Hearts! "THE MISTS OF MIDNIGHT is a wonderful book, full of surprises, mystery and romance. The story is complex, and the way it unfolds is ingenious...Imogen and Dougal are both selfless, loving characters, willing to do anything for each other, and deserve the happy ending they get. This Regency romance with its paranormal twist is an emotional, satisfying read." Renee Burnette, The Romance Studio

"Four Angels! The Mists of Midnight is filled with suspense, romance and a heavy paranormal touch. The author has written a complex story with enough twists to surprise many readers. This was truly a page-turner as the story slowly unfolded. If you enjoy a good ghost story with a large helping of romance on the side, this is the book for you. This reader was surprised and thoroughly delighted with this one." Fallen Angel Reviews

"Four Stars! The Mists of Midnight is a mystery with a won't be disappointed in this read. Keep your tissue handy, I cried towards the end, not because I was sad, but because of Ms Pillows wonderful realistic ending." Joy, Reviewer for Karenfindoutaboutnewbookreviews

"What a debut novel. This reviewer was blown away by the sheer lushness of the setting, the way the characters intertwined with each other and all the twists and turns in the plotline. ...The Mists of Midnight gives a rollicking good time with the right blend of humor, mystery and love." Love Romances
