Fire Magic
- Author: M.J. Rodgers
- Publisher: Harlequin American Romance # 492
- Year: 1993
- Setting: Nevada
- Amazon Listing: Fire Magic
Book Description
He roamed the Toiyabe Mountains of central Nevada -- wild and majestic. Many men sought the mystical beast Fire Magic, but Brock Trulock knew he'd find him.
Instead he found a wildcat -- a ranger named Shana O'Shea. She was wily and headstrong...and after one dizzying encounter he wanted her. But she'd made a promise to the stallion Fire Magic: To keep him free forever, eternally elusive.
On their journey, the outside world ceased to exist. And as they slipped deeper into the primitive wilderness of Fire Magic's secret domain, raw basic need erupted -- and Brock and Shana became Adam and Eve. Would they dare taste forbidden fruit?