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Phaze is the Erotic Romance arm of Mundania Press, LLC, launching in late 2004 with novel and novella length erotica in e-book and trade paperback formats. Phaze primarily publishes Erotic Romance and some women's Erotica, specializing in all sub-genres, including paranormal, contemporary, BDSM, historical, and sci-fi.

See Also



Since 2005, Phaze has offered special themed HeatSheet stories. Selection of these stories are limited to 6-12 titles per promotion and are selected through limited calls for manuscripts:


Phaze is always open to submissions. See the current guidelines. Review ALL submission criteria (content AND formatting) before submitting your work to Phaze.

Phaze sells fiction in the following lengths. Stories of 35K words and higher are eligible for print.

  • HeatSheets: 5,000 - 12,000 words (short stories)
  • Photon: 12,000 - 30,000 words (novella)
  • Comet: 30,000 - 60,000 words (category)
  • Eclipse: 60,000 - 90,000 words (novel)

Phaze classifies their erotic romance according to the following levels:

  • Pulsar — Milder language, standard sex and pairings.
  • Nebula — Bold language, may contain toys, sensual bondage, mild D/s, anal play
  • Nova — Bold language, may contain threesomes, anal sex, significant bondage, serious D/s, M/M encounters


  • Jenna Allen
  • Lily Ashford
  • Laura Bacchi
  • M. Barnette
  • Will Belegon
  • Mychael Black
  • Iona Blair
  • Eden Bradley
  • Alessia Brio
  • L.E. Bryce
  • Estelle Byers
  • Petula Caesar
  • Shayne Carmichael
  • Adrianna Dane
  • Bianca D'Arc
  • Vivien Dean
  • Pamela Downs
  • Jayelle Drewry
  • Tysche Dwai
  • Leigh Ellwood
  • Dreama Faire
  • Anna Fallon
  • Eva Gale
  • Karen Harley
  • Mara Kelly
  • Cassidy Kent
  • Kelly Maher
  • Selah March
  • Ava McKnight
  • Bridget Midway
  • Madeleine Oh
  • Mae-Ann Powers
  • Audra Price
  • Stella Price
  • Ann Regentin
  • Stephanie Saint
  • Robin Slick
  • Devi Sparks
  • Trixie Stilletto
  • Emily Veinglory
  • Jessie Verino
  • Cassie Walder
  • Trinidad West
  • Emma Wildes