Double H

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About the Series

The Double H Ranch is a fictional ranch set in the very real area of central British Columbia, ten miles from the real town of Cache Creek. While driving through the area, I was intrigued by the setting. I'd always thought of B.C. as populated by huge, lush evergreens, winding blue rivers and sparkling lakes. To my total surprise, this particular part of B.C. is the northern section of the dessert belt which runs from Mexico through the American southwest, and up into Canada.

My first thought was that it was ugly and brown... Sand, blah ponderosa pines and sagebrush. But the more I studied the area, the more time I spent there, the more intrigued I became. And the birth of the Double H Ranch took place in my mind.

Populated by rugged bachelor cowboys, the Double H needed some strong women to come in and shake things up.

In Lost Lady, meet Joe McIntyre, the sexy, forty something cowboy who feels unworthy of a good woman's love. Jenny Smith shows up to set him straight on that matter.

In For the Love of a Family, meet Colton Harrison, the owner of half of the Double H. And Cassandra Fairchild, the owner, much to Colton's consternation, of the other half.

In A Place To Call Home, return to the Double H to meet Slade Martin. Tall, dark, devastatingly handsome, and harboring a secret. Becca McIntyre, Joe's sister now living on the Double H with her two little girls, finally finds a man who knows how to take care of a lady. If she'll allow herself to trust him.

I hope you fall in love with the Double H and all the hunky men who live there as much as I have.
