Dissertation Abstracts

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For a bibliography of academic articles and books about romance see the Romance Scholarship page. Items in languages other than English are listed separately.

For romance-related resources which may be of interest to academics see the Romance Resources for Academics page.

For items written about romance by romance authors but not published in academic journals or books see the Writers on Romance page.

For news items/features items about romance see the Romance in the Media page.

Burley, Stephanie Carol., 2003. 
"Hearts of Darkness: The Racial Politics of Popular Romance." U of Maryland, College Park (Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 64.6 (2003): 2082-2082)
Hurley, Frances Kay., 1999. 
"In the Words of Girls: The Reading of Adolescent Romance Fiction." Harvard U, 1999 (Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 60.6 (1999): 1946-1946)