Bones Of Contention

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Book Description

Duncan Van Epp was old--and death was calling him. It was time to reveal the tragedy of what had happened in the town of Contention sixty years ago. It was time to tell the truth...

When Carrie Chase opened the door to Duncan's home on one of her daily visits, her worst fear was realized-her dear friend had passed way. And when the autopsy revealed that he had died an unnatural death, Carrie knew something was terribly wrong. Duncan would never have taken his own life. What evil had entered his home on that warm Nevada evening when the only creatures around were the howling coyotes and wild stallions?

Cash McKendry was Duncan's godson--and Carrie's only ally. He was out to avenge his godfather and to show Carrie she could still believe in the goodness and magic of love. But never in their wildest dreams did they expect to unravel a long-kept secret that had been born on a cold November night in 1931...