Betrayed By Love

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1995, Silhouette

Book Description

Man of destiny

Jacob Cade had strong opinions about which women were off-limits and which weren't. And he thought Kate Walker was a little free with her favors. Hadn't he once thrown her off his ranch for misbehaving? He'd never stopped wanting her, though, and now she'd come roaring back into his life.

But Jacob didn't know that Kate had been in love with him since childhood - and she wasn't the kind of woman who took love lightly. She knew she was taking a dangerous gamble with her heart just by being with him. But it was a risk worth taking...

Other Editions

North America

Palmer Betrayed by Love 1995.jpg




  • Title: Ein freches Angebot
  • Publisher: Cora Verlag
  • Imprint: Baccara Collection 92, April 1995