The Bodyguard Contract

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Book Description

Lara Mercer knew innocent lives were riding on the success of her latest mission. She had every intention of acting alone to steal back a lethal biochemical weapon before terrorists unleashed it on the city of Las Vegas. However, hotshot secret agent Ian MacAlister took his orders very seriously to cover her back. He wasn't about to shirk his sworn duty because his feisty former flame refused to relinquish control. Lara swore she was immune to Ian's laser-blue eyes and smoldering sex appeal, but priorities suddenly shifted when she was exposed to the deadly poison. The impending danger ignited their dormant passions, and it was now a race against the clock to save not only Lara, but also their unborn child....


"After an unexpected encounter with fellow agent Ian MacAlister, Lara Mercer isn't about to let her unplanned pregnancy stop her from completing her mission. She has to stop terrorists from releasing a deadly virus on the world. Ian's not about to let her endanger her life, or their baby's, even if it does mean saving thousands of lives, so he's along for the ride -- whether she wants him or not. Donna Young's The Bodyguard Contract (4.5) is a fast-paced, kick-butt tale of espionage and romantic suspense, crackling with slick dialogue and compelling characters."

—Pat Cooper, Romantic Times

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