Food For Love

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1974 US Edition
By Rachel Lindsay
Publisher Harlequin Presents #73
  Mills & Boon Romance #966
Release Date Dec 1974 (US)
  Feb 1975 (UK)
Harlequin Presents Series #
Preceded by The Way Of A Tyrant
Followed by Leopard In The Snow
Mills & Boon Romance Series #
Preceded by The Swallows Of San Fedora
Followed by Heaven Is Gentle

Book Description

Nowadays we all take supermarkets for granted -- but how many of us give a thought to the small shopkeeper, gradually being forced out of business by the huge business combines? That was what happened to Amanda Stewart's father, and it was therefore only with bitterness in her heart that she had taken the job at Brand's chain of super-markets; who knew, she might get a chance of revenge!

But something rather different happened: her new boss, Clive Brand himself, began to take such a marked interest in her that they both decided it might be more politic if she changed her job. So Amanda went to work for Brand's biggest rival, Homefare -- and found herself coping with yet another problem, in the person of that mysterious, maddening man, Red Clark!

Publication History

Cover Variation (By Release Date)

Feb 1975 <br\>US Edition