Red Sage Publishing, Inc. /

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Red Sage Publishing produces the Secrets anthologies of women’s sensual fiction. Usually found in Borders and Waldenbooks, the books occasionally appear in indie stores, in Barnes & Noble, and in Books A Million. They are notable for high-quality artwork on the covers...mostly.

Each volume of Secrets is a collection of four novellas "brimming with sensuality. And one story each time is a walk on the wild side — a more adventurous tale for the more adventurous reader. Our stories can fall anywhere in the romance genre; from historicals to contemporary, from fantasy to science fiction — there’s something for everyone." from the Red Sage website

On The Web

Red Sage

Red Sage has published Angela Knight and Mary Janice Davidson who are New York Times best sellers. These are just two of the wonderful authors we have first published Not to mention awards we have won. So how can the writer of this article say we are most notable for our covers?

Red Sage also publishes wonderful e-books at It is a great way to get the quality you have come to expect from our Secrets anthologies with the convenience of being able to download it into your computer.

Here is some of one of the reviews on our latest releases.

This is truly a collection that sends your senses into overdrive. Visually stimulating, as well as physically and mentally stimulating, I found myself on the edge of my seat in anticipation of what would happen next. The SECRETS books are some of my favorite collections and these authors and stories are the reason why.--Amanda Haffery, Dark Angel Reviews

Alexandria Kendall Red Sage Publishing
