Dark Diva Reviews

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For The Love Of Blood

2 Divas

The Hightower Series Book 1: For the Love of Blood by Annie Alvarez Publisher: eXtasy Books Genre: Erotic, Paranormal, GLBT, BDSM

Summary: I can’t believe I fell in love with a vampire! Oh, not just any vampire, but Tamara Hightower, Master of the East Coast, whose name and reputation quakes fear in every other vampire, not to mention a few Counsel members that crossed her path.

Can this modern day relationship between a half-witch and a vampire work out or am I just fooling myself? No doubt, she stole my heart, but can I command her pleasures?

Amy’s Review: The Hightower Series, Book 1: For the Love of Blood by Annie Alvarez was a fast paced read that had some pretty hot sex scenes, but left me feeling a little confused. Almost like the story line was just out of my reach to really get a hold of what was going on in this story; to really get it and be able to easily follow what direction I was going in. It felt almost like there might have been a prequel to this book that I had not read, one that might have given me a little more detail than what I had or was able to figure out. The storyline is kind of fuzzy, almost like Miss Alvarez was trying to decide how much detail she should give on a given area of the story.

The reader is given little glimpses of character’s lives, current and past, places they have been, but it doesn’t feel like it ties together. I wanted more out of the characters and plot. It was almost as if I could see where the story was going, and if I could have had a little more, but unfortunately, it just kept moving on without giving me what I needed. I wanted to know more about Izzy, who is a half-witch, and what her abilities were. How did she use them, what effects did they have on other people, when did she use those abilities? I wanted to understand more about Kaley, who is a vampire, and her work at Kaley’s Center. I know this was a central location and important part of the storyline since so much of the story took place around it, but I don’t get why. I don’t understand what exactly it is. I wanted to know more about Tamara, also a vampire, how her past affected her today. I guess I just wanted more character development, more storyline description to give just that little push to give me a better picture of what was happening.

To me, For the Love of Blood was just on the outskirts of being something that would really grab you and bring you in. All of the elements were there, just, in my opinion, not fully formed.

Rated 2 Delightful Divas by Amy!