Play The Tune Softly

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1967 US Edition
By Amanda Doyle
Publisher Harlequin Romance #1116
  Mills & Boon Romance #247
Release Month Jun 1967 (US)
  Nov 1967 (UK)
Harlequin Romance Series #
Preceded by The Romantic Heart
Followed by Dearly Beloved
Mills & Boon Romance Series #
Preceded by Rose Of The Desert
Followed by Golden Apple Island

Book Description

Fate had not dealt very kindly with Ginny Sorrel up till now - years at the mercy of a selfish stepmother, having to give in to her for the sake of her young brother and sister and, worst of all, being forced to give up her promising musical career. But now at last she was free; her life was her own and she was on her way to a new and interesting job in the heart of Australia - after one final episode in which poor Ginny managed to give a very bad account of herself. Then it seemed fortune had sent her another blow, when the first person she met in her new home was the last man she had expected - or wanted - to see again.

Publication History

Cover Variation (By Release Date)

Nov 1967 <br\>UK Edition