The Firebrand - George Challis

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1952 US Edition
By George Challis
Publisher Harlequin Romance #193
Release Month 1952 (US)
Harlequin Romance Series #
Preceded by Swamp Willow
Followed by Triggerman

Book Description

Dashing, lusty Tizzo laughs in the face of death wvery day of his life. Master spy in a maze of plots and counter-plots, he sweeps cities and whole armies before the fury of his famous sword, for Tizzo would rather fight than eat. His love, the Lady Beatrice, is as fiery as she is beautiful and follows him into battle with an eager heart. Tizzo storms fortresses, braves torture chambers, fights duels and meets death at every turn with a smile on his lips. He is a roaring, mighty adventurer, with a trial or a triumph around every bend.

Cover Variation (By Release Date)

1952 <br\>US Edition