The Paw In The Bottle

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1954 US Edition
By Raymond Marshall
Publisher Harlequin Romance #265
Release Month 1954 (US)
Harlequin Romance Series #
Preceded by Community Nurse
Followed by Catalina

Book Description

Greed and lust led lovely Julie Holland down the dark road to murder. Being in love with a cheap crook promised to be exciting, but she found he already had a jealous mistress. He also had a friend called Theo, who specialized in disfiguring beautiful women with an acid bath in the face. Suddenly Julie found she was a partner in the most sensational robbery London had seen for a decade. She had agreed to work as a ladies' maid, but had not counted on the woman being mad, nor on a blind husband who sometimes appeared to see extremely well. Still, Julie might have escaped from it all, if only she could have resisted the fabulous furs. death was no warmer in a mink coat.

Cover Variation (By Release Date)

1954 <br\>US Edition