The Wedding Charade

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2011 UK Edition
By Melanie Milburne
Publisher Harlequin Presents #3002
  Mills & Boon Modern Romance #1049
Release Month Jul 2011 (US)
  Feb 2011 (UK)
The Sabbatini Brothers Series
Preceded by Shock: One-Night Heir
Harlequin Presents Series #
Preceded by After Their Vows
Followed by Alessandro's Prize
Mills & Boon Modern Romance Series #
Preceded by The Reluctant Duke
Followed by The Devil Wears Kolovsky

Book Description

Blurb 1

From the back cover of Harlequin Presents #3002, July 2011, US Edition:

Her trust fund is dwindling. If Jade Sommerville is to continue living in the manner she's become accustomed to, she has only one option…make the notorious Nic Sabbatini marry her!

The youngest of the Sabbatini brothers, Nic doesn't suffer fools, or respond well to ultimatums—especially those in his grandfather's will! But when the stunning, willful Jade breezes into his office and announces their upcoming nuptials to the world's media, Nic might have finally met his match.

He's turned Jade down once before. But this time?

Blurb 2

From the back cover of Mills & Boon Modern Romance #1049, February 2011, UK Edition:

Her trust fund is dwindling. If Jade Sommerville is to continue living in the manner she’s become accustomed to she has only one option…make the notorious Nic Sabbatini marry her!

The youngest of the Sabbatini brothers, Nic doesn’t suffer fools, or respond well to ultimatums – especially those in his grandfather’s will! But when the stunning, wilful Jade breezes into his office and announces their upcoming nuptials to the world’s media, Nic might have finally met his match.

He’s turned Jade down once before. But this time?

Three powerful playboys from the richest dynasty in Europe! Ruthless, irresistible…impossible to tame?

Excerpt 1

From the inside cover of Harlequin Presents #3002, July 2011, US Edition or the inside cover of Mills & Boon Modern Romance #1049, February 2011, UK Edition:

'But I want that money. It was left to me and I will get it—no one can stop me.'

Nic smiled a lazy smile. 'As far as I see it, cara, I am the one who can stop you.'

She strode back to where he was sitting and, standing in between the intimate bracket of his open thighs, her warm vanilla-scented breath breezing over his face, she jabbed him in the chest with a French-manicured linger. Nic had never felt so turned on in his life.

'You. Will. Marry. Me, Nic Sabbatini.' She bit out each word as if she was spitting bullets.

He curled a lip as he held the green lightning of her gaze. 'Or else?' he said.

Excerpt 2


'There's a Jade Sommerville here to see you, Signor Sabbatini,' Nic's secretary, Gina, informed him as she brought in his morning coffee. 'She said she's not going to leave the building until you agree to speak to her.'

Nic continued to look through the prime real estate properties listed on his computer screen. 'Tell her to make an appointment like everyone else,' he said, smiling to himself as he thought of Jade pacing the floor in Reception. It was just the sort of thing she would do: fly in to Rome on an impulse, demand her way no matter what, throwing her light weight around as if she had an inborn right to everything she wanted right when she wanted it.

'I think she really means it,' Gina said. 'In fact, I think—'

The door opened with a thud as it banged against the wall. 'Please leave us, Gina,' Jade said with a plastic-looking smile. 'Nic and I have some private business to discuss.'

Gina looked worriedly at Nic. 'It's all right, Gina,' he said. 'This won't take long. Hold my calls and make sure we are not interrupted under any circumstances.'

'SI, Signor Sabbatini,' Gina said and left, closing the door with a soft click behind her.

Nic leaned back in his chair and surveyed the black-haired virago in front of him. Her green eyes were flashing with sparks of fury, the normally alabaster skin of her cheeks cherry-red. Her small hands were clenched into tight fists by her sides and her breasts—which he had secretly admired ever since she was sixteen—were heaving with every enraged breath she took. 'So, what brings you to my neck of the woods, Jade?' he asked with an indolent smile.

Her cat's eyes narrowed. 'You bastard!' she spat. 'I bet you put him up to it, didn't you? It's just the sort of underhand thing you would do.'

Nic raised a brow. 'I have no idea what you are talking about. Put whom up to what?'

She came over to stand in front of his desk, her hands slamming down on the leather top as she eyeballed him. 'My father is stopping my allowance,' she said. 'He's dissolved my trust fund. He's not giving me another penny. And it's all your fault.'

Nic allowed himself the luxury of the delectable view for a moment. Jade's creamy cleavage was about as close as it had ever been, apart from the night of her sixteenth birthday party. His nostrils flared as he caught a waft of the exotic fragrance she was wearing. It was an intriguing combination of jasmine and orange blossom and something else he couldn't put a name to, but it definitely suited her. He brought his gaze back to the fireworks show in hers. 'I might be guilty of many sins, Jade, but that is not one you can pin on me,' he said. 'I haven't spoken to your father in years.'"

Publication History

Ebook: UK
Paperback: ISBN-10/13: 0263886301/978-0263886306
Ebook: eISBN-13: 978-1742907192
Paperback: ISBN-13: 978-1742775517
BR Title: "Enigma Do Amor" and part of the "Os Sabbatini" Series
  • 2011, June 21 - Ebook, Kindle, Paperback, and Paperback Large Print Release (Part of Mills & Boon July Releases) (Harlequin Presents #3002) (US Original Release)
Ebook: eISBN: 978-1459207882
Kindle: ASIN-10: B004Z2I4X4
Paperback: ISBN-10/13: 0373130023/978-0373130023
Paperback Large Print: ISBN-10/13: 0373237669/978-0373237661

Cover Variation (By Release Date)

Feb 2011 <br\> UK Edition
Feb 2011 <br\> India Edition
Mar 2011 <br\> AUS Edition
May 2011 <br\> Brazil Edition
Jul 2011 <br\> US Edition
Jul 2011 <br\> LP US Edition

Related Titles

The Sabbatini Brothers Series

See The Sabbatini Brothers series page for related titles.

Note: The Sabbatini Brothers Series is a Author Series under the US Harlequin Presents Imprint, UK Mills & Boon Modern Romance Imprint and AUS Harlequin Mills & Boon Romance - Sexy Imprint.