Bad Boys In Black Tie

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Book Description

Some men you can t take anywhere...except the bedroom. No matter how you dress them up, they'll always be a little bit rough around the edges, a little too hot for polite society, a little too naked in their appreciation of a woman, and a little too delicious to share with anyone else anyway...

"Good With His Hands" by Lori Foster

As next-door neighbors and best friends, Pete Watson and Cassidy McClannahan have a "no sex" relationship. "No sex" equals continuing friendship. "Ohmygodyes" sex equals big problems and probably some serious dish throwing. It may be a rigid rule, but it works. Until Pete decides he wants to push the line. If sensible Cassidy won't take his hints, he's ready to transform himself into the perfect "black tie" guy he thinks she wants. And once she's in his arms, he'll show her just what else that black tie can do...

"Miss Extreme Congeniality" by Erin McCarthy

CJ White knows there must be a catch when Wyatt Maddock -- her despised FBI partner -- offers to transfer out of Chicago and far, far away from her. There's a catch, all right, and it's a big one: CJ has to spend one sexy night with the untamed playboy, wearing the outfit of his choice, the pig. Okay, so the guy's hot. So his reputation in the bedroom is the stuff of legend. So CJ's been in a dry spell for about, oh, three years. So maybe one night to be rid of him isn't so unbearable. But once the sheets have cooled, CJ's just starting to heat up, and moving away is the last thing on Wyatt's mind...

"Last Call" by Morgan Leigh

Tess Braeden is new in Justice, North Carolina, but there.s no justice when she learns that her inherited home is about to be foreclosed on. The mayor doesn.t even have the decency to give her an appointment to plead her case. Thank goodness for Fletcher Graham. Meeting the hard-bodied, hard-working cutie is the only bright spot in her insane life. With his sensual skills and soulful eyes -- not to mention that air of mystery -- he could become Mr. Right very quickly. But will he become Mr. Wrong when Tess discovers what his real day job is?

Whether you want to straighten their ties -- or loosen them up -- these bad boys make formal wear look good...especially when it's on the floor.


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