Murder By The Book

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Revision as of 02:22, 8 October 2006 by Leigh (talk | contribs)
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Outside, the wind howled and snow fell, drifting into piles that almost reached the eaves. Inside, lights flickered in the drawing room of the brooding old mansion. Seven people were stranded there, and before the night was over, one of them would be dead...

Meg Sandler knew her aunt was a playful prankster, but this time the joke had gone too far. As the new mistress of Morgan's Manor, Meg was trapped among a macabre gathering of Aunt Tilly's friends--and enemies--including Steven Caldwell, a man Meg had once been able to love, but now was unable to trust.

Then the killer struck in a locked room in the snowbound house, and none of them was safe. The six survivors eyed each other anxiously--and wondered who would be next.