Dangerous Vintage

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Revision as of 02:33, 8 October 2006 by Leigh (talk | contribs)
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A ghost was calling.

...and Hillary de Gaetano fled home to find her cousin murdered in her Napa Valley vineyards. Her lifelong friend, Jeff Simpson, could help her solve the cold-blooded crime, but could he overcome the supernatural?

Hillary's night dreams were becoming more real than life itself. Lovers from the past met--and murdered--as if it were a hundred years ago. Now, a watching, waiting presence--a man only Hillary could see--was following her through the twining vines and heavy-laden arbors.

Jeff had always been haunted by Hillary. Her lips promised the sweetest of potions, but this year threatened to yield a far more dangerous vintage. An evil watcher wanted Hillary, body and soul...and like Jeff, he wanted her for all eternity.

Part of the Dreamscape Paranormal romance promotion.