Silke Juppenlatz

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Silke Juppenlatz writes paranormal romance. Her books feature mostly paranormal topics, ranging from werewolves to angels.

Silke was born in Germany, grew up there and she apprenticed as a horse breeder at the age of 17. This wasn't strange enough for her, so she went to work with the US Army in Germany for a while. As far as jobs go, her next one was a doozy and she misspent her youth gallivanting around Europe as a merchandiser for rock bands. Predictable isn't in her dictionary, so it shouldn't have come as too much of a surprise to her parents when she fell in love with an Englishman and promptly imported him to Germany. Three years later, she moved to England with him, where she still lives today. After all, she'd told everyone she was going to live the tender age of five.

She has always written, but when she read her mother's copy of "Shanna", the die was cast. Then she tripped over a paranormal romance by Anne Stuart -- and she knew what she wanted to write. The result is a hard drive full of novels in various stages of repair, a bookshelf full of rather esoteric subject matter, an interest in all things creepy and a fascination with gravestones.

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