Miranda's Travels

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Rated PG Excerpt

== Rated PG Excerpt ==

Hello,” she said with a smile. “I’m Miranda. I would appreciate it if you would take care of my horse this evening. I’ll be staying at the inn.”

               “Yes ma’am, my pleasure,” he said with an answering smile.  “My name is Nicholas.  This is a fine horse you have.”
               “Thank you.  He has been a good worker and companion for me for years,” Miranda replied.  As Nicholas came even closer, Miranda could feel her heart racing and blood rushing to her face.  All the miles of riding with her legs wrapped around her fine beast had started a hunger in her body, and now she wanted that hunger satisfied.  
               “Come here, I’ll show you how to brush him,” she instructed Nicholas.  She handed him the brush from her saddlebag and took his hand.  Sparks seemed to travel up her arm and through her body at the contact. 
    	“I believe I know how to properly brush a horse, ma’am,” Nicholas told Miranda, pulling his hand away from hers. 
               “My horse is very particular,” Miranda informed him. He likes to be brushed slowly and smoothly, like this,” she instructed, standing behind Nicholas and grabbing his hand once again, she guided it along the horse’s side.  She moved in closer to him, breathing in his scent.  Her nipples hardened as she pressed herself against him. She could hear his breath catch at the close contact, and knew he must be feeling the electric currents that were running through her body.
               “Long, slow, calming strokes work the best,” she said, guiding his hand over the horse’s rump and down his leg.  “And make sure you check his hooves.”  Miranda bent over to pick up one of the horse’s legs, exposing an expanse of creamy white cleavage as she did so.  
              “That is exactly the method I use,” Nicholas said. “I’m sure I can do a satisfactory job without your assistance.”
    	“Well I’m not so sure you can! This is a valuable animal and I want him cared for properly. Pay attention when I speak to you,” Miranda snapped. She knew she was being cross with this handsome man, but a combination of fatigue and stress was making her short-tempered.
    	Despite her cheeky tone, or maybe because of it, Nicholas found that he was becoming very aroused by this alluring woman, and he could swear that she also felt an attraction to him. He tried to soften his tone as he responded to her.
    	“I swear I will do my best to take good care of your horse. Perhaps you should go to the inn and lie down for a bit.”
    	“Oh yes, that’s the answer for any trouble that a man has with a woman; send her away to rest. I don’t need rest, I need…” Miranda began.
    	Looking into her eyes, Nicholas knew exactly what she needed. He grabbed her, and with a groan, he pulled her roughly to a hay bale. He stared into her face for a moment with eyes that had gone black with desire, then turned her around and flipped up her skirts. She willingly spread her legs wide. With a surprisingly gently touch and smooth hand, he began to stroke her drenched pussy, bringing moans from them both.
               “My lady, you are very wet,” he said, his breath coming hard and fast. He put a finger deep inside her.  “And also very hot,” he said, barely able to speak. Miranda was panting with desire and, brazenly, ready to be mounted, but he continued his slow exploration.  At last he turned her around and looked her in the eye.
               “I do not rape unwilling women. Do you want me to go on?”

You know you want more! Buy Link: http://www.amazon.com/Mirandas-Travels-ebook/dp/B005NGTUNO/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1328648291&sr=8-2