A Century Of American Romance

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A Century Of American Romance was a 12-book miniseries published in the Harlequin American Romance line. It was a monthly nostalgic look at the lives and loves of American men and woman from the turn of the century to the dawn of the year 2000 as each book was a historical romance that took place during a different decade from the 1890s through the 1990s, with two books set in the 1960s. The book for the 1990s, Judith Arnold's A> Loverboy, was set in 1999, and was, at the time it was published, a futuristic.

The titles for the 1940s and 1950s, Sentimental Journey and Stranger in Paradise, were connected. Otherwise the books were not related.

The first eight books in the series were reissued in 2004 as A Century Of American Dreams.


Harlequin American Romance #345
Harlequin American Romance #349
Harlequin American Romance #353
Harlequin American Romance #357
Harlequin American Romance #361
Harlequin American Romance #365
Harlequin American Romance #369
Harlequin American Romance #373
Harlequin American Romance #377
Harlequin American Romance #381
Harlequin American Romance #385
Harlequin American Romance #389