Follow A Dream (Hospital Pro)

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1959 US Edition
By Marjorie Moore
Publisher Harlequin Romance #492
Release Month 1959 (US)
Harlequin Romance Series #
Preceded by Nurse Tennant
Followed by The Man At The Carlton

Book Description

It had happened in Paris; Julia's parents had been killed instantaneously in a motor accident while on a visit from England, and Julia had been lovingly cared for by the Sisters in the convent where she has been temporarily sheltered. The offer of the nuns to keep her was willingly accepted by Julia's only relative, a bachelor uncle. Julia was happy at the Convent and quickly picked up the language; and when her education at the convent was completed, she went on to the Hospice of St. Claire run by the same Sisterhood where for three years she helped with nursing and learned some hospital routine. She might have remained there for years, perhaps forever, but quite inexplicably she had suddenly become dissatisfied. Talking it over with Mother Clementine, Julia was advised to go back to her own country and take up nursing seriously, training in one of the large English hospitals. But it was a meeting with a stranger which finally decided her to return to the land of her childhood. " A beautiful sight... but certainly not worth breaking your neck for... One day you must come to England and see what you think of St. Paul's..." That was all stranger had said when Julia, partially blinded by the sunlight as she admired Notre-dame, has stepped incautiously into his arms. Dr David Mellven would have been surprised to know that his few simple words would be responsible for bringing Julia as a probationer to St Anne's Hospital and very much into his life.

Cover Variation (By Release Date)

1959 <br\>US Edition