The Gentle Prisoner

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1962 US Edition
By Sara Seale
Publisher Harlequin Romance #645
  Mills & Boon Romance #219
Release Month 1962 (US)
  Nov 1966 (UK)
Harlequin Romance Series #
Preceded by Never To Love
Followed by Nurse In Waiting
Mills & Boon Romance Series #
Preceded by The Captain's Table
Followed by The Secret Marriage

Book Description

There was a curious similarity between the fairy tale of "Beauty and the Beast" and Selley Wynthorpe's relationship with Nicholas Penryn. The Beast lived in a remote house, surrounded by high walls; so did Nicholas. Beauty's father brought her a white rose from hte Beast's garden; so did Shelley's father, when he visited Nicholas and they came to their strange arrangement that Shelley should become Nicholas's wife. The Beast was hideously ugly - and Nicholas, badly scarred, was convinced that no woman could ever feel anything but revulsion for him. But...after a year and a day, Beauty had fallen truly in love with the Beast. Would Shelley, with her gentle ways, be able to bring her own love story to its happy ending?

Publication History

Cover Variation (By Release Date)

1962 <br\>US Edition
Nov 1966 <br\>UK Edition
Sept 1977 <br\>UK Edtion