Truth Or Dare - Jayne Ann Krentz

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Because Zoe and Ethan got married (in Light In Shadow) as a convenient way to keep her safe, neither one of them is convinced that the marriage will be a success, although they have agreed to give it a chance. Zoe starts taking care of Ethan by giving him sunscreen and vitamins; Ethan is bemused but happy that she seems to plan to stay his wife. In the meantime, some weird things start happening to Zoe and her best friend, Arcadia. Arcadia had also escaped from the same mental institution as Zoe, and she is hiding out from her husband, a financier about whom she has information that would make his life difficult. Sure enough, Ethan uncovers information that Aracadia's husband has found her. Another plot twist is that the weird things happening also involve another escapee from the mental institution, a woman who sees Zoe as someone she can relate to.

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