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Erotic Romance, Paranormal , Vampire, GLBT


A rare and magnificent beauty, vampire drag queen Scarlet of The Elixir Maidens is considered a tease. With a past riddled by painful memories, Scarlet has learned to hide behind a self-protective veil. From the moment Andrew Netherby sees Scarlet performing at Burgundy Peak, it’s love at first sight. Dedicated to his career and with no social life to speak of, Andrew has been waiting for the perfect mate. He knows Scarlet is the one, but can he convince the chestnut-haired goddess they belong together forever?

Related Titles

Vampire Master, Vampire Crusader, Vampire Guardian, Intimate Relations, Nutcracker, The Red Curtain, Disdain, Hair of the Dog Lust and the Damned, Ruby, Crimson, Bitten, Again

  • [Link To Publisher]

Changeling Press