Fiona Glass

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Fiona Glass When she isn't being a pane in the glass, Fiona writes darkly humorous fiction, mostly involving gay characters and almost always with a twist in the tail. Her work has been published in anthologies and magazines (both print and electronic), most recently with Riptide Publishing, Byker Books, Pill Hill Press, Mslexia, The Pygmy Giant, and QueeredFiction. Her second novel, 'Gleams of a Remoter World', a ghost story set on the wild west coast of Ireland, has just been published by Riptide.

Fiona lives in a slate cottage within stone-throwing distance (never a good idea in Glass houses...) of England's largest lake with her husband and a vast collection of books. She enjoys fell-walking, gardening and tai chi, and rarely has her nose far from the pages of a book.

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