Just Like Romeo And Juliet

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About The Book

Two years ago, on a hot day in Verona, Italy, Gillian Chapell found love in the arms of a stranger. She hadn't believed that touching Juliet's statue would bring her luck in love, but as her friend had teased her, what did she have to lose? Under Juliet's sweet spell, the stranger's kisses set Gillian's soul on fire, filling her with a passion so fierce she fled its embrace.

Two years later, the stranger returned, rekindling smoldering desires...revealing his identity. Gillian now knew what she had to lose. Owen Moore was her father's most hated rival-her love for him, treacherous. Torn now between loyalty and love, Gillian had to put her trust in fate....

Enemies and lovers. Could even Juliet save this star-crossed pair?