If The Coffin Fits

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1952 US Edition
By Day Keene
Publisher Harlequin Romance #180
Release Month 1952 (US)
Harlequin Romance Series #
Preceded by Madame Serpent
Followed by The Wicked Lady Skelton

Book Description

Central City specialized in vice, legal gambling and easy divorces.

Teen-age "B" girls in low-cut evening gowns drank with the suckers. If the sucker's bank account was substantial enough, he would be drugged and "found" in a hotel room with a scantily clad bit of Jail Bait. This badger game served the dual purpose of enslaving the girl and exacting a considerable income from the victim. Free-lance crime was not tolerated in Central City; all such activities were conducted on a highly organized basis headed by the anonymous "Mr. Big".

When Tom Doyle, Chicago Invetigator, accepted a blind case in Central City, he ran head on into Mr. Big's organization. Doyle was greeted on his arrival by the Karney twins, who pistol-whipped him into a pulpy mass of bruised flesh and gently invited him to leave their fair city...

Doyle soon learned that the solution depended on getting Mr. Big. Many people were murdered to prevent Doyle from accomplishing this, and before the case was over, Tom had cause to wonder - IF THE COFFIN FITS.

Cover Variation (By Release Date)

1952 <br\>US Edition