Violet L Ryan

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Thanks for dropping by. Let me tell you just a bit about myself. I live in a small Midwestern town with my husband, Denny. We raised our three beautiful daughters, Lana, Julie, and Debbie, in a bungalow set above Fall Creek a stone’s throw from our lovely city park. We enjoy eating out with friends, Sunday morning church services, and fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ. My favorite pastimes include photography, painting, drawing, reading, and, of course, writing.

I’ve created stories all my life. It’s second nature to turn even the smallest detail, like a face in a crowd, or a lonely house on a hill, into a full-blown story. I write short stories and novels in many different genres, but if you like romance, we already share a common bond. Whether I spin a tale of mystery, suspense, fantasy, or plain, honest to goodness romance, a developing relationship between my hero and heroine is necessary to the plot. Even as a tot, when I wove stories of magic kingdoms, there were always heroes to save the day and magical queens bestowing favors on their knights.

Between authoring several books, I’ve written articles for newspapers and Christian communications. Published short stories include Rachel’s Return to Christmas, Santa’s Swan Song, Blackjack, The Snake Slayer, and Family Treasure, along with the occasional poem. You can find more about these figments of my imagination on the Books page.

When my work is finished, polished, and published, I schedule signings and appearances, hold events and author chats, and present ideas and information at programs for those who wish to learn a new craft or improve their technique.

Published novel: Tennessee Moonlight, The Ambassador's Daughter, Absentminded, and The Light Side of Dark.