Terri Herman-Ponce

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Terri Herman-Poncé looks for any opportunity to make stuff up. Born on Long Island, New York, she thinks anything that can't so easily be explained is worth an extra look and often makes a great story. She loves red wine, sunrises, Ancient Egypt, and the New York Yankees. The youngest of five children, Terri lives with her husband and son on Long Island. In her next life, if she hasn't moved on to somewhere else, Terri wants to be an astronomer. She's fascinated with the night skies almost as much as she's fascinated with Ancient Egypt.

Terri is a member of Sisters in Crime, Mystery Writers of America, and Romance Writers of America.

You can read about Terri and her stories at http://terriponce.com/ and find her on Facebook and Twitter.

What Terri Writes

"I've been curious about past lives for the longest time. I've also always been enamored with Ancient Egyptians and their belief in the afterlife. Imagine if you kept coming back until you ‘got it right’. You know, fixing past mistakes. Meeting up with people you’ve known before. Finding your soul mate and spending forever, literally, with that special someone because you simply can’t live any life without them.

What about having another chance to right past wrongs? Or to make a different choice or decision? Would you do it?

Sounds a bit romantic, right? But I’m not all that romantic. I can’t resist giving the stories in my head a twist and the characters I’ve created a really hard time. They’re not facing challenges to get together. They’re facing challenges to stay together, millennia after millennia. For me, the best reads are the ones that make you sit on the edge of your seat. I hope I do the same for you."

See Also

On the Web

