Serena - Jamie Carie

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Book two in a series by Jamie Carie

Imagine being born with everything the world can offer. When you walk into a room, people bow, admire you and try to win your favor. There is nothing you can’t buy, nothing you can’t wish for and have, and no one you can’t place under the powers of your persuasion. Now imagine, in a moment, it’s all gone, taken by the person you thought loved you the most. The world has flipped upside down and made you a slave. This is the life of Drake Weston, Duke of Northumberland.

A world away lives another kind of soul with a life of simple answers to simple problems. Serena Winter doesn’t know she hides in her safe, Quaker faith. She doesn’t understand the depths of passion, the overwhelming desires that can capture a mind and seduce a heart, turning sure beliefs into crumbing sand. All that changes when, in the dark hold of a ship, on a mission of mercy, Serena meets a man who is as mysterious as he is darkly beautiful. Captured, she is astounded to find she will do anything to have him. But gaining him as husband will not be the happy ending she thought . . . she has become one with a dangerous stranger. Now she has to fight for what she wants and what she wants has changed with the growing understanding that love means more than a feeling . . . more than a thrill . . . it might even mean the end to any life she ever dreamed of having.

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