Kayelle Allen

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Science Fiction Romance author Kayelle Allen is the founder of The Author's Secret, an author support company specializing in eBook conversions and graphics. She is the founder of Marketing for Romance Writers, one of the largest author-oriented peer-mentoring groups on the web. She is also a multi-published, award winning author who writes immortal characters, and is the creator of the Kin -- warriors who purr.

On the Web

"Kayelle Allen's Website" Science Fiction Romance Author Kayelle Allen's homeworld.

"Romance Lives Forever on Yahoo" Kayelle's Yahoo group

"Unstoppable Heroes" The Unstoppable Heroes blog for Kayelle's characters, books, and blog hops

"Romance Lives Forever on Blogspot" Kayelle's blog featuring guest authors and new books

"Facebook Page" Kayelle's author page

"Facebook" Kayelle's Facebook page

"Follow Kayelle on Twitter" Kayelle's tweets

"The Edge of Peril" Enter the world of the immortals in Kayelle's books

Published Work

All books are available in eBook format.


"At the Mercy of Her Pleasure" - Once he tastes her passion, will he be at the mercy of her pleasure?

Senth must suppress his feral, half-human side to work beside a Better, an enhanced woman whose addictive pheromones could sever all his hard-won self control. He must resist her, because if what they say about Betters is true, just one taste of her passion, and he'll be... at the mercy of her pleasure.

"For Women Only" - [Author Site] Will she free his heart before his betrayal breaks hers?

To protect the remnants of his family, Khyff must overcome his hatred of the Kin long enough to seduce and betray their ambassador -- the one person among them with the power and will to mend his broken heart.


“Wulf, Tales of the Chosen” - Amazon Superstar Wulf Gabriel must depend on the one man he swore he would never trust again. The most powerful and feared man in the empire - the Harbinger. Lust. Power. Forgiveness. A Chosen loves forever. Wulf Gabriel longs for freedom. A superstar in the Tarthian Empire, he is bound by an unscrupulous agent to a restrictive contract. With his career threatened and his life at risk, Wulf must trust the one man he swore would never again control him -- Luc Saint-Cyr, the Harbinger. For the Harbinger, saving Wulf is a simple matter of asserting his will. The enigmatic man's legendary power makes him the most feared person in the empire. To win the heart of Wulf, Luc will have to risk baring his own.

“Alitus, Tales of the Chosen” - Amazon The empress asks her trusted spymaster, Alitus, to discover if a friend's lover is having an affair. The truth could alter age-old alliances and rock the empire to its core. Passion. Submission. Loyalty. A Chosen bares his heart forever. Alitus lives in a world full of political intrigue, and he is supremely alone. As a Better, an enhanced human, he can touch no one -- his pheromones are addictive. He keeps his affair with Wulf secret, because Wulf belongs to another, a powerful man allied with the empress. When the man asks the empress to investigate whether Wulf is having an affair, Wulf's relationship with Alitus could be exposed. Complicating matters, the empress reveals her immortality, and requires Alitus to prove his loyalty. Her test will throw him straight into Wulf's arms, right in front of the empress and Wulf's lover. Hiding what they are to each other has taken discipline and denial. Now, it will take a miracle.

“Jawk, Tales of the Chosen” - Amazon When immortal Luc Saint-Cyr arranges a menage with Wulf and Jawk, he gets far more than he bargained for. Pleasure. Trust. Possession. A Chosen's betrayal is forever. Jawk works at Batchelors, a gay club in the Top Tier district of Tarth City, where he meets Luc. Luc offers Jawk a deal too good to pass up, one night showing him and his lover a good time in exchange for far more than his usual pay. But the sensual Jawk is not what he seems, and one night with him will change the immortal's alliances forever.


"Surrender Love" - Author Site Not rebound, payback, loneliness, or great sex, and far beyond love. This is surrender.

In the beds of countless lovers, the immortal Luc Saint-Cyr has been mastered as well as master, commanded as well as commander. When his mortal lover leaves him, the distraught Luc withdraws and devotes himself to work. His entertainment company throws a ceremony for their most successful rock group, and Luc meets drummer Izzorah "Rah" Ceeow, one of the feline Kin race. Rah's dark hair and velvety, golden furskin captivate Luc. Pert cat's ears and a quick smile lighten his mood, and one look into Rah's emerald eyes, deep and tranquil as a forest pool, and troubles cease.

He suspects the mid-twenties male is a virgin, and Luc, fascinated by Rah's quiet serenity and lack of guile, longs for a deeper, closer relationship. Savoring Rah's surrender will be as delicious as taking him. Luc will force nothing. Rah will give himself to Luc when he is ready to surrender his innocence, to capitulate every part of himself to Luc's command. Rah will open himself and let himself be taken. Luc's anticipation and desire are palpable; as real as his hunger for faithful, unconditional love. But to gain Rah, how much of himself is Luc willing to surrender?


"The Last Vhalgenn" Amazon Kindle version of a short story from the EPPIE Finalist Fantasy anthology "A Time To... Volume 1" (the anthology version is no longer in print) The Vhalgenn is a warrior, bedmate, soulmate, companion, and friend. Trusted by the king. Hated by the queen. To save the newborn prince, the Vhalgenn will risk her position, her honor, and death itself to honor the Old Ways. But when she takes the newborn prince to the queen's homeland for a ritual blessing, she discovers a betrayal so deep the kingdom -- and her heart -- might never recover.

This fantasy features a strong heroine, and was originally part of the 2008 EPIC eBook Award Finalist anthology A Time To... Volume 1 - The Best of The Lorelei Signal, from Wolfsinger Publications, which is now out of print. The strong female character possesses nobility, honor, and courage, and is a role model for women. The book is dedicated to all women warriors, whatever their battle, and is written by a US Navy Veteran.

"Trailing Kaiwulf" Amazon Find an invisible man in another dimension? All in a day's work at TRAIL. Travel to a godforsaken planet on the outskirts of space. Check. Hold intrusive military types at bay. Check. Find an invisible man in a different dimension. Check. Finish out the vacation TRAIL yanked you back from to do it? Easier said than done. Yanked back from their first vacation in ages, Jee and Dane get handed a top priority mission. The pay is better than any they've earned before as agents for the Trace, Rescue, and Identification League. With this much money, they might not need jobs. They're the best there is, and the item, person, or secret hasn't been invented that these two can't recover. Until now. Locating this quarry might be a bit past even their considerable skills. After all, how do you find an invisible man in another dimension? And who, exactly, is footing a bill this steep? Certainly not the archaeologist in charge. The military wants to get involved, but they have no monetary stake either. So who -- or what -- is behind the request to trail Kaiwulf?


"Surrender Love" 2010 EPIC eBook Award Science Fiction Erotic Romance

"Surrender Love" 2009 Romance Junkies Reviewers' Blue Ribbon Favorite

"For Women Only" 2009 Love Romances & More SciFi/Futuristic of the Year Nominee

"At the Mercy of Her Pleasure" 2009 Love Romances & More Cover of the Year Winner

“Wulf, Tales of the Chosen” 2007 Gaylactic Spectrum Award Nominee

“Jawk, Tales of the Chosen” 2009 Gaylactic Spectrum Award Nominee

"The Last Vhalgenn" 2008 EPPIE Finalist From the anthology A Time To... (no longer in print. The Last Vhalgenn is available in audiobook format)

The Author's Secret

Kayelle Allen (founder of "Marketing for Romance Writers", "Romance Lives Forever", and an EPIC Award winning author), and Janet Elizabeth Jones (Harlequin Nocturne author, and owner of "Novel Vision Web Design") have partnered to create The Author's Secret.

"The Author's Secret" We support authors: eBook conversions, book covers, banners, custom graphics. We hold your hand on the web -- a secret helper who makes you look your best.

Marketing for Romance Writers

Marketing for Romance Writers is a peer-oriented mentoring group open to the entire literary community. Ask your marketing-related questions, or request help, advice, or opinions. You can learn how to create a professional image and use it effectively, as well as ask for opportunities to join other authors in promotional efforts. You can learn the business aspects of writing.

News about pitch sessions and calls for submission are posted on the Yahoo group. As a member, you can attend exclusive, member-only pitch events with publishers. Members can attend free, online workshops and seminars.

Marketing for Romance Writers promotes for its members on most social media. Get your book cover pinned on one of the MFRW Pinterest boards, and show off your cover models. Share your tweets with the MFRW street team and get them shared on Twitter. The hashtags #MFRWorg #MFRWauthor and #MFRWhop promote for you. You can get interviewed on BlogTalkRadio. Link your blog to a community hop via a unique software "ribbon" with exciting themes, and draw readers to your site.

If you have questions about marketing your books, join us. The MFRW motto is "seek, teach, share, learn, succeed." Services and membership are free.

A separate staff group for volunteers was created in 2012. The staff operates on the group principles of seeking to help others, teaching what you know, sharing opportunities, learning to market, and succeeding by getting involved. As of April 2014 there are currently nine volunteers on duty.

Reviews and Views

Kayelle Allen's Sci-Fi Romance "...can hold its own beside the Chanur tales of C.J. Cherryh with the added spice of searing hot sex..." (Coffee Time Romance) She is "...a master of interjecting a touch of the absurd and making one laugh out loud at just the right moment." (Romance Junkies) The world she "...creates is very complex and huge. ...one story is not enough." (Elise Rolle)