Ann Tracy Marr

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Ann Tracy Marr Regency Fantasy Romance author

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Series/Related Titles

The books published by Marr at Awe-Struck E-Books comprise a series, though each book stands alone.

REGENCY is the time period (think Jane Austen and Pride & Prejudice).

FANTASY is Camelot. King Arthur, the Round Table, and Merlin's magic are no longer myth, but history, adding a subtle twist to the romance of the Regency.

ROMANCE is the Happy Ever After for star-crossed lovers that readers enjoy.

The series can be purchased in trade paperback on or as e-books at many Internet E-book stores.

Biography of the Author

A longtime fan of Regency romance novels, Ann Tracy Marr spends her time dreaming of the perfect world--England's Regency era interwoven with the best of King Arthur's Camelot and Merlin's magic. Marr is a wife, mother, and computer consultant, fixing the stubborn beasts and teaching people how to tame them. Her background includes a college major in English and secretarial work, which she thankfully escaped.


Round Table Magician was voted the best historical romance of the year by readers on the website

Thwarting Magic was nominated for the same honor.