Nanny Wanted
- Author: Various Authors. See below.
- Publisher: US - Harlequin Presents
- UK - Mills & Boon Presents
- Brazil - Bianca Duas Histórias, Sabrina Coleção Noivas, Julia Cartão Postal and Sabrina
- Year: 1998
- Setting:
- Number Of Books In Series: 12
Books (Orded By Release)
1. The Secret Mother - Lee Wilkinson
- BR Title: Mãe Secreta
- 1998, January (Harlequin Presents #1933)
- 1998, January (Mills & Boon Presents #134)
- 1999, ??? (Sabrina A Cegonha Chegou #41)
2. The Love-Child - Kathryn Ross
- 1998, February (Harlequin Presents #1938)
- 1997, August (Mills & Boon Presents #95)
3. A Nanny Named Nick - Miranda Lee
- 1998, March (Harlequin Presents #1943)
- 1997, October (Mills & Boon Presents #106
4. A Nanny In The Family - Catherine Spencer
- BR Title: Uma Babá Na Família
- 1998, April (Harlequin Presents #1950)
- 1998, February (Mills & Boon Presents #142)
- 1999, ??? (Bianca Duas Histórias #713)
5. The Millionaire's Baby - Diana Hamilton
- 1998, May (Harlequin Presents #1956)
- 1998, May (Mills & Boon Presents #165)
6. Ultimate Temptation - Sara Craven
- BR Title: A Última Tentação
- 1998, June (Harlequin Presents #1963)
- 1997, March (Mills & Boon Presents #51)
- 1998, ??? (Julia Cartão Postal #51)
7. The Diamond Bride - Carole Mortimer
- BR Title: Uma Joia Para A Noiva
- 1998, July (Harlequin Presents #1966)
- 1998, March (Mills & Boon Presents #145)
- 1998, ??? (Sabrina Coleção Noivas #85)
8. Inherited: One Nanny - Emma Darcy
- 1998, August (Harlequin Presents #1972)
- 1998, June (Mills & Boon Presents #169)