Rebecca Paula

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Rebecca Paula writes angsty contemporary and historical romances featuring flawed characters exploring the complicated bits of life and love. Also, there’s lots of kissing.

She’s a champion of Byronic heroes and unlikable heroines, a hopeless romantic, and is epically losing the battle of conquering her TBR pile. Once, she lived in a castle in Europe with a moat and a ghost named Sophie. She luckily never met Sophie. As a journalist, she once interviewed a talking seal named Chuck. And she’s firmly on the side of “for” in the great cilantro internet debate.

When she's not writing, Rebecca loves ghost hunting shows and true crime podcasts, hiking around New England, and scouring stores for dresses with pockets. Because, let’s be honest, dresses with pockets are the best. Rebecca lives in New Hampshire with her husband and two young daughters.

On the Web

  • Author's Official Website [1]

Books (listed alphabetically by title)


Series/Related Titles

The Ravensdales

  1. Etiquette With The Devil
  2. [[The Duke's Improper Bride]
  3. A Proper Scandal
  4. The Lady's Forbidden Desire

Sutton College

  1. Between Everything And Us
  2. Anything More Than Now