Sandra Schwab

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Sandra Schwab is a German author who writes historical romances for the US market. Her writing is characterized by lush settings and rich historical detail.


Born in 1976, Sandra Schwab spent a large part of her childhood in the Black Forest, before her family moved back to Frankfurt on the Main. She started writing her first novel when she was seven years old. During her teens she wrote fantasy novels and poetry, yet when it became clear that she would not be able to sell any of her work to a German publisher, Schwab switched languages in 2000. During her year as an exchange student in Galway, Ireland, she started writing her first novel in English: Highland Love, a contemporary romance novel (which so far has remained unpublished). She eventually joined the Romance Writers of America, took part in several writing contests and sold her first novel to Christopher Keeslar at Dorchester Publishing as a result of winning in the historical category of the 2003 Winning Beginnings Contest (Valley Forge Romance Writers). Her debut novel, The Lily Brand, was published in 2005.

When not writing romances, Schwab teaches English literature at the University of Mainz, Germany, and works on her PhD thesis. Most of her academic works are published under her full name, Sandra Martina Schwab.


  • The Lily Brand, 2005. Leisure Books.
  • Castle of the Wolf, 2007. Love Spell.


On the Web

--SSchwab 09:05, 19 January 2007 (PST)