The Outcast - Jayelle Drewry

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Book Description

In the werewolf world, instinct rules supreme. One instinct all werewolves live by is the ability to identify their mates. Another is the need for a pack.

Unwilling to accept the claim of a potential mate, Jane Lyke was brutalized and sent into exile. Slowly she heals and learns to live without the comfort of her pack. Now, even if she could go back, she wouldn’t. She has proven she needs no one, mate or pack.

Unwanted at birth, Remy Silva has spent his entire life living outside the werewolf community. He is perfectly content living his life as an outcast, answerable to no one. As proprietor of the highly successful nightclub The Outcast, he has his pick of women and has no desire to find a mate. Why settle for one, when there are so many available?

When these two meet, sparks fly. Yet neither is willing to admit that this just might be the one. Until another were threatens Jane. Now they will have to face their fears if they want to have a future.

See what readers are saying…

  • "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I just discovered your ebooks, The Other Half and The Outcast! Allow me to praise your writing style and VERY realistic love/sex scenes. I read both straight through in one day and PRAY you will continue the series. I haven't been so enthralled by the supernatural since reading the Anita Blake series by Laurell K. Hamilton. Your werewolves are just fantastic, and that is high praise coming from someone with a critical eye for the rushed and underdeveloped story line. You did a wonderful job!" Michele Molina

See what reviewers are saying…

  • “The Outcast is full of action, adventure, and hot steamy sex. Jane and Remy are explosive together and a delight to watch as Jane goes from not wanting him near her, to not being able to keep her hands off him. I really enjoyed this book and look forward to other books by this author.” 6 Magic Wands @ Enchanted Ramblings
  • “The Outcast by Jayelle Drewry is a howling good read! Intense plot twists and well-developed characters kept me glued to the edge of my seat. Remy, with his good looks and dominant personality, sent my heart beating faster… Jane is a smart independent woman who has proved to the world that she is capable of making it on her own… Ms. Drewry gives the reader wonderfully wicked and sinful love scenes. Remy and Jane share an undeniable connection that keeps growing stronger. The magnetic pull they have for each other helps propel the story and has the reader panting for more… The Outcast is a must read for the werewolf lover. Remy and Jane have found a special place in my heart. Keep up the good work Ms. Drewry!” 5 Tatoos by Ophelia @ Erotic Escapades
  • "Ms. Drewry has created a strong story that pulls you in and keeps you on the edge of your seat until the very last page. THE OUTCAST is a must read for every werewolf/erotica reader. The love scenes are so hot, you need a bowl of ice to cool off. This is one book you don't want to miss!" 4 @ The Romance Reader's Connection
  • "Jayelle Drewry's The Outcast is one super sizzling story! The paranormal elements are so intricately woven into the story that they seem almost realistic and ordinary. After her brutal punishment and subsequent exile, Jane learns to find the strength in herself. I really liked that about her character; although she was smaller and weaker than Remy, she didn't automatically submit to him. In fact, in many ways, she is very similar to Remy. They both learn and grow from the pain in their past...But fate has a way of sneaking up and surprising them. Their desire for each other is immediate and quickly culminates in some scorch-the-screen sexual scenes, and as their need for each other grows, so do their feelings. These two are characters that you could easily fall in love with, rooting for their happy ending as the plot unfolds and the danger to both is revealed. The follow up story to Ms. Drewry's The Other Half, The Outcast is a stand-alone story about werewolves and their mates which will no doubt entice you to pick up the first one." 5 Stars @ Just Erotic Romance Reviews
  • "The Outcast is a memorable and erotic tale of Remy Silva, and Jane Lyke, and the trials of their stormy and sensual courtship. It is a story of two people who have no thoughts of forever, no thoughts of love or being loved. When faced with unknown, and in finding each other, the ensuing battle is a feast of sensual delight... Sensual, erotic, and deliciously wild, The Outcast will provide you with exciting reading, and leave you truly wanting more...If you want a spicy and sexy adventure, pick up a copy of The Outcast today." Rose @ Romance at Heart Magazine
  • "Jayelle Drewry is an extremely talented author. From the very first page this book grabs a hold of you and doesn’t let go. Not only is the storyline well thought out, the character developed is remarkable. Ms. Drewry adds masterful depth to her characters and the love scenes are some of the hottest I’ve ever read and when I say hot, I mean HOT! When Remy and Jane are in a room together, their sexual chemistry is veritably intoxicating. Not only do I think this book is a must-read, it meets criteria to be a reread!" 5 @ Euro-Reviews
  • "Remy’s character is in-your-face hot and totally Alpha! Not wanting to mate but wanting to fool around.I watched in glee as he met his match in Jane... The Outcast by Jayelle Drewry kept me entertained the whole time. I thought it well written, intriguing, and just downright sexy. I love how Ms. Drewry portrays werewolves and can only hope that there are a few more stories up her sleeve." Joyfully Reviewed
  • “Remy is a real man with wonderful sexual magnetism and a way of thinking that made me laugh and sigh. I love Jane’s strength and attitude. The slow building tension between the two kept me reading well after my bedtime just so I could see when they would finally give in to temptation, and it was well worth it! This is a great story that continues the first of the series. I recommend this book to anyone that likes a good hot erotic read with werewolves…” 4 Cups by Jenn @ Coffee Time
  • "THE OUTCAST is a sizzling, erotic romance between two tortured outcasts who must overcome their emotional hangups, in order to achieve their destiny ... THE OUTCAST makes a great addition to a shapeshifter romance collection. It is highly recommended to the lover of werewolf romances." 4 Moons @ Mystique Books

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