Laura Kinsale

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Laura Kinsale is a New York Times bestselling author and both winner and multiple nominee for the Best Book of the Year award given by the Romance Writers of America.

She become a romance writer after six years as a geologist--a career which consisted of getting out of bed in the middle of the night and driving hundreds of miles alone across west Texas to sit drilling rigs, wear a hard hat, and attempt to boss around oil-covered males considerably larger than herself. This, she decided, was pushing her luck. So she gave all that up to sit in a chair and stare into space for long periods of time, attempting to figure out What-Happens-Next. She and her husband David currently divide their time between Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Texas.

Kinsale is noted for her complex writing style and flawed characters. She breaks the traditional heroic molds frequently. Other key features of Kinsale's books include animal "mascots" threading through each book.

On the Web

  • Official Website [1]
  • Wikipedia [2]


Series/Related titles

Medieval Hearts

  1. For My Lady's Heart
  2. Shadowheart

Victorian Hearts

  1. The Hidden Heart
  2. The Shadow And The Star



Awards (body of work)=