To Die For - M.J. Rodgers

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To Die For

About The Book

Chief Detective Gabe Kincaid had known some gorgeous dames in his day, but the sight of Jennifer Madden's perfect body was breathtaking. After all, she was an ex-stripper turned society grand dame.

Eden Island’s sensational murder case was sizzling, and one Gabe would crack. But he wasn’t the only one who wanted in. The new deputy coroner, Jane Hardesty, was becoming a thorn in his side as she weaseled her way into his investigation.

Eden Island’s closed society of beautiful people was turning into a hotbed of gossip and secrets. And when Jane became a target for death, Gabe had no choice but to keep her close—in more ways than one.

But the closer they got, so did their faceless murderer. One of Eden Island's beautiful people.