Cooking Up A Storm - Emma Holly

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Abby Coates and her sisters own the Coates Inn, a Cape Cod restaurant that is in financial trouble. Abby advertises for a chef she hopes will help the Inn to success. Storm Dupre is a bored master chef in Los Angeles, and when he sees the ad he believes that he has found an opportunity to fulfill his dream of taking over a struggling restaurant. After Abby hires him, Storm assumes command over the cooking at the restaurant and begins cooking foods that have an aphrodisiacal effect that bring the customers back for more. In the meantime, Abby is struggling with boredom and dissatisfaction with her long-time boyfriend Bill. The arrival of Storm coincides with various sexual opportunities for Abby - with her lesbian best friend Marissa, with an older man, Jack, and with a variety of characters from the small town. Of course, Storm is the best opportunity of all.
